Thursday, April 25, 2013

Practicing the front pose - Homework number one

Fashion design, HOMEWORK WEEK 1: April 25

Hello there! I wish all the homeworks in school were as excited as this one! As I previously mentioned, our homework for the week one was to find something we like in a magazine or wherever and draw it.

I stuck to my intention to draw this Carolina Herrera outfit (I just saw it one day on a Facebook page, so I can’t really confirm which collection and if really is CH). There are few reasons I choose this outfit (which is not necessarily the most glamorous choice):

  1. The blouse is inspired by the traditional Romanian blouse called “ie” (the same that inspired Matisse to do the painting that is the background of this blog). So you see the red thread here? J
  2. The color of the blouse – I wanted to try to draw the white blouse, it seemed to me it was more difficult that to draw something in another color. So I wanted to try.
  3. The skirt has the lace element to it, as well as a the frills – again, had a moment to think how to render at least an idea of lace (something we will be probably taught at a later stage)
  4. The front pose is the only one we learned how to draw, and this one looked easy enough 



The colors are not exactly the original ones, but had no other blue. I actually had a darker blue in markers but I don’t know how to use them yet, I have a feeling there is a trick to it as when I tried to use it, it didn't really look nice. So I used the colored pencils and a normal H pencil. I only used the markers for the hair and for the shoes.

I have to say, the part it I really got frustrated at was the mouth…

That’s it for now, I can’t wait for my next course J

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