Sunday, April 28, 2013

Drawing for the first time a three quarter (3/4) pose (and a red gown)

WEEK 2 , April 27

Fashion design class number two. Firstly, my homework was appreciated and I've been told I’m one of those people obsessed with details. Right, that’s definitely true J

So yesterday we learned how to draw the ¾ pose and how to render different clothing details such as: shirt collar, knot, cowl, bow, flares, gathers, ruffles or frills. It was hard to keep up with the teacher while she was drawing examples of these, so I ended up kind of copying what she was doing, but I can’t say my drawings are looking as natural as hers looked. The ones below I re-drew them at home. I still need to work on it, but it is good for exemplification.

Now the ¾ (three quarter) pose. I took some pictures of my drawing before I put clothes on it so I can keep track of the technique. It is not as difficult as I expected. You will start with the same 9 inches vertical line, marking all the 9 inches. For the upper part of the body, the two sides of the body are not equal like in the front pose, but one of the sides is slightly longer (so the vertical line will no longer be in the center, but slightly to the left side. Then the left leg comes on the left side of the vertical line and the right leg will go back behind the left one. In this specific pose we don’t see the right arm.

Very important here is drawing the bust line, which in this pose is going out slightly on the right side (remember the bust line is a bit under the underarm line).

After drawing the pose we were asked to put some clothes on it, whatever we want, using some of the earlier techniques.

I dressed my girl with a one shoulder red gown, with a train, mermaid style. The dress has an over-sized bow on the left shoulder. For the red color I used the markers, however now I find out that there is a specific paper for the markers, called marker paper. For the first time I colored the skin with one of the markers.



Next time we will learn a different ¾ pose and a back pose. The good news is that we do not have to draw these poses all the time we want to design something. After we perfect our poses we will have templates for each pose and we will just copy it onto a sheer paper.

I will tell you about the homework for this week and some other stuff we learned in my next post.

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