Saturday, June 2, 2012

A self-discovery journey

I am a citizen of the world and this is a self discovery journey that I want to share with those who inspire me, or those that maybe need inspiration. I love all beautiful things. Because sometimes we forget beauty is harmony, I would like to share this definition of beauty, to guide me - and anyone who reads this blog - in my, or our, journey.

  1. The quality that gives pleasure to the mind or senses and is associated with such properties as harmony of form or color, excellence of artistry, truthfulness, and originality. 
Being in harmony with people around me, with the universe and the nature, is being in harmony with my true self. At the end of this journey I want to live my big dream, which is to reach this harmony and share it with the people around me. I want to live beautifully and to inspire people to do the same. I want to celebrate all the people I admire.

Why handcrafts? Because I feel that in our days, mass production is, at least in one aspect of the definition - originality - the opposite of beauty. I want to celebrate people that still use their hands to create beauty - not only as decoration, or a hobby, but also as a utility.

For those who didn’t recognize it, the background picture I use for this blog is a famous painting of Henry Matisse, “La blouse roumaine”. And for those who don’t know, I am Romanian and this is an important part of my big dream. Matisse inspired me to start this journey.

At the moment I write this profile (June 2012) I am 32, I live in Dubai, United Arab Emirates and I work as a Public Relations Consultant.

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