Saturday, June 16, 2012

Something to remember - “Be patient"

Who would have thought that I would write something here about football? But hey, where ever the inspiration, or lessons to be learnt come from, they are all welcome! 
While watching one of the football matched for the EURO 2012 with my friend, and the team we were cheering for was behind, I asked: “If you were the coach of your team, what would you tell them now to do?” And when I was expecting something like “well I would change this and that, and tell them to do this and that”, he totally surprised me with this answer: 
“To be patient and continue to play like they were playing, they have done nothing wrong.” 
Bang! I went silent and repeating this in my head and thinking why I wasn’t thinking like that myself? My mind was completely set on the idea that to loose that match, the team must do something wrong. I wasn’t thinking it was a fair competition between two players and someone has to win, regardless the performance of the other one. 

While I understand this is not always the case, and sometimes people are doing things wrong for them to loose, I try to be also aware of the fact that, even if we are doing our best, with a good heart and we believe in what we are doing, it might happen that we can loose a game, but this doesn’t mean that we have to question everything we had done so far. 

We just have to be patient and continue to do what we are doing, as long as we are giving our best, the heart is in the right place and we are not hurting anyone. The victory doesn’t mean winning a game, but remaining true to yourself while in harmony with the universe, whether you loose or win. 
Note to myself: Be patient!

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