Sunday, June 9, 2013

Eighth week of fashion design course - "What you seek is seeking you"

I know I haven't posted anything for the past week, but this is because of one simple reason: I can't unveil my future collection until it's all ready :)

What I would like to do though is to share a little bit about the process of finding my inspiration. So I keep looking for weeks and weeks around me and try to pick that thing that inspires me to create. And I look and look around me and I keep thinking I fount the idea but then it only takes me few hours, days at the most to drop it. So one of the nights, with one theme in mind, I was trying to create and something started to take shape. And had nothing to do with the theme I had chosen. Then I realised, that what I was drawing had a theme of its own.

I leave you guess where was that inspiration coming from.
"What you seek is seeking you" Rumi

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