Sunday, June 2, 2013

Seventh week of fashion design course - Guideline for building a portfolio

Three weeks left from this adventure, and we are now getting to serious things. Finally we discussed how to compile our portfolio with our first collection. Sounds really strange, I feel like I'm at school and we are playing a fashion design game. The truth is, to put together this portfolio in less than 3 weeks is scary but at least I (think) I found my inspiration (which is different from what I thought it was last week). The good thing is I can't afford to change my mind again, so let's get started.

And because we all seemed so helpless in the course, the teacher shared with us the below guideline, which I think works for any kind of artistic project, so I will share it with you.

Where to look for inspiration ?
Nature / environment
Art / Architecture
Culture / country / tribe
Era in history / costume tradition

What to look for?
What are the components of the portfolio?
Moodboard of inspiration
Profile (age group, country or region, season, type of collection)
Colour story (choose 4, 5 colours)
Fabric story
Working drawings
Illustrations of final designs (minimum 8)
Any other support material

And finally few illustrations I worked on during the course (the first is trying an empire silhouette, the second one a combination between a sheath silhouette and different fabric textures, the third one is an outfit for a beach party for an 18 to 20 years old - in the brief was mentioned that it needs to include denim and stripes):

That's all folks, thank you all for reading or at least watching the pictures, this blog has officially crossed the 1000 visits mark :)

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