Saturday, June 22, 2013

Let's dance!

Today is 22nd of June and it was the last week of my fashion design course. It is very cliché to say that time flies but it is so true. I missed the post of my ninth week, but I will include it in a retrospective I am preparing, so nothing will be missed. The past three weeks I have been working on my portfolio, or my first collection, which I am sharing here. My inspiration came from all the music, harmony, dance I feel every moment inside me, from my desire to live the life to the fullest (even if I don't necessarily do it), from my longing for something I can't really describe, but I know is there waiting for me. I am just a music listener, and I'm not even a good dancer, but I imagine that if there is another "me" somewhere in this universe, that "me" is a dancer.

Thank you to our dear teacher Dyali who managed to get us from zero to something decent in only 10 classes (30 hours).

Let's dance!

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