Sunday, May 12, 2013

About karma OR Think less action more

I don’t know about you, but I hear lately more and more often people that are talking about karma, most of the time in a kind of “retaliation” context (like you have done something wrong to me, wait and see what the karma will do to you!) but also related to fears people have about bad things that might happen to them.

Is in this context that I wanted to clarify, at least for myself, what exactly karma is about.  And again, Sadhguru, my favorite wise man gave me a common sense overview and few helpful tips to take away and apply in my life.

Very shortly, he says that one person has an allotted karma for one life, and most of this karma is written on your energy (also on your body and mind). Now there is a certain amount of energy that is dedicated to action, to emotions, to the thought process, and to the experiential dimension within us. Sadhguru says that our problem in the modern world is that we use too much energy for thought, almost no energy for physical activity and we are not capable to express our emotions in actions. More energy we use in the right way, more karma we spend, and more karma we spend, more balanced and at ease we will find ourselves. But if the energy is not spent or is spent in only one direction (for thinking for example), then you will find yourself restlessness and you will build even more karma.

"Today, in modern life, in the present way of living, people's emotions are not finding their full expressions. That part of the energy, the unexpressed emotion, cannot become something else. Either it has to find an emotional expression or it will turn inward and do funny things to you", Sadhguru, Isha Foundation
I recommend you read the entire article here Sadhguru about Karma

What do I take away from this lecture? Two principles to apply in my life:
  1. Think less, action more (I am the master of thinking, so I applied this principle today and I already feel better and I even have a concrete result)
  2. Find a way to express your emotions (that’s what this blog, my fashion design projects and my yoga endeavor are about)
These are some "karmic" messages me and my friends blindly picked in a restaurant in Bucharest. Mine was the 4th one - no wonder considering Eckhart Tolle wrote the book that changed my life (A New Earth). For those who don't speak Romanian, the 3rd message is "Love is possible only if two people communicate from the center of their being / existence " (The Art to Love, by Erich Fromm)

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