Saturday, May 11, 2013

"La blouse roumaine" - how I see it (and this is just the beginning)

Talking about handcrafts... I am over the moon with these two new items in my wardrobe, my own interpretation of "ie" - a type of typical Romanian blouse (also found in other countries in Eastern Europe and North Europe in different variations), most commonly known as "la blouse roumaine". This name became famous after the French painter Henry Matisse fell in love with the Romanian blouse and started to create a collection of paintings called "La blouse roumaine" (one of them you can see in the background of this blog).

After few other trials, I am lucky to have met an amazing woman who understand exactly how I want my "blouse roumaine" to look like and created these stunning pieces that are entirely hand embroidered. I am seriously blown away by the quality of her (and her team's) work!

This is not about fashion, it is about creating life long lasting pieces that you can pass on, clothes that have a soul and a story of their own. It takes about 3 weeks to make one piece, so imagine the energy, the emotions, the skills, the passion, the the effort that it takes...

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