Sunday, May 19, 2013

Fifth week of fashion design course - Use your talents

So we finished the first half of the fashion design course and I must say I can see some progress, if I am not too critical with myself. Yesterday I was not the most inspired person in the world, but once I got there I managed to pull out something that I am quite proud of. We are getting into detailing and learning tips and tricks on how to make our designs look really good. The question that remains is: will we be able to find that inspiration, that source of creativity that will bring these skills to another level? As far as I am concerned, I take it step by step and enjoy the process. Where ever this thing will bring me, I already know I made a really good choice to follow this course.

I found this quote this morning while browsing, and it fits like a glove to what I feel now. I used to think that whatever I do, I have to be the best at it, otherwise it's not worth the effort - meanwhile I changed my mind. It is better to express your emotions throughout whatever creative endeavor, rather that let them die in you.

"Use the talents you possess: the woods would be very silent if no birds sang there except those that sang best" Henry Van Dyke

1 comment:

  1. Very happy to say your post is very interesting to read.I never stop myself to say something about it.You’re doing a great job.Keep it up

    Fashion Designing Candigarh
