Wednesday, May 8, 2013

My first own design with brief

Or let's say my first try.

As I was mentioning in my last post, the brief was to create a design for a wedding party on the beach, in Dubai, taking place in February (when the weather is really pleasant, sometimes a bit cool, it might even rain). The thing with Dubai is that is always posh, and even if it is a beach party, don't imagine girls coming in flats or sandals to a wedding, no matter how much sand is around (not that the party will actually take place in the sand). And here usually there is not much in between flats and sky reaching heals.

I tried as much as possible to not think of what I will wear, as i would have tried to cover my knees, be as comfortable as possible in my shoes and not be cold (I'm always cold!).

Yellow is somehow THE color now, and I think is a good color for a beach party, but is not for everyone either. Anyway, this is it. The front pose sketch is ok, but the I don't like the back one (again, I should have done a straight back). The bow is not placed correctly. You may wonder why I don't give it another try then, it's because I like to track and keep an evidence of my mistakes so I know what to pay more attention to next time.

I am not getting into fabric and textures details, I don't want to talk nonsense. After all all I have is 9 hours of training so far, and I started from ZERO skills; lots of curiosity and passion though, I don't know how much talent.

Would you wear this dress? I would if my legs were skinnier :)


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